Excel Consulting in Healthcare

What our clients say

 Tim Hill
 Sean Murphy
 Elaine Petkovsek
I wanted to tell you how much I've enjoyed working on this project with you. Everyone loves this worksheet. Our pricing has never been so standardized Julie Hui, Chief Financial Officer of Pumpman Inc

In terms of Excel, there are few more diverse sectors than healthcare and pharmaceuticals. One of the few features common across the industry is the importance of client confidentiality. There are few things more sensitive than patient records and our Excel consultants treat them with the respect they deserve. The practical applications of spreadsheets include their ability to interact with specialist medical devices, and their ability to monitor both patients and clinics.

Medical Devices

Medicine is an extremely innovative field. New drugs and treatments are forever being developed and these tend to be administered with the aid of electronic devices. These devices are built with specific applications in mind, and their priority is always to ensure patients are being treated effectively.

Ultimately, these devices can accumulate a lot of useful data on their subjects, whether it be an injection history or information on a patient's physical fitness. Some devices come with their own custom software to analyze this data. Some don't.

Our consultants can build the tools required to analyze the raw data from these devices. In fact, we can custom build spreadsheeets to extract all the information you require. As Excel has a ready made user interface, it needs far less development work than would be required to build, or extend, custom software to achieve the same end. It will also be more intuitive to the average user if you are distributing your devices widely to doctors and other healthcare professionals.

Monitoring Spreadsheets

Many of the other uses for Microsoft Excel are not unique to healthcare. The strength of Excel is that you can quickly create spreadsheets to monitor things. Those things can be pharmaceutical sales, they can be patients, they can be operations, they can be doctors. In all cases, monitoring can only be effective if your tables get updated on a regular basis.

Indeed, almost by definition, effective monitoring has to be consistent. Therefore the criteria for e.g. flagging an underperforming care home has to be the same from one month to the next. As the logic being applied is always the same, tracking sheets lend themselves to automation.

Our experts can vastly reduce the administration associated with monitoring performance by adding a little bit of programming to your spreadsheets. These macros, as they are known, can replace all the repetitive tasks you may currently be doing manually.

Confidentiality and Privacy

We understand that protecting privacy and patient data is incredibly important in the health industry. 400 million people use Microsoft Excel, and many use it to store sensitive information. Privacy is a concern for many of our clients and our consultants can develop spreadsheets without this sensitive data if required.

At Excel4Business, we adhere to a privacy policy whereby we only distribute data internally when it is critical to the delivery of our solution. If you are dealing with a single consultant, they will be able to deliver the solution on their own so no-one else will see the data. They will also only view the information in so far as it is strictly necessary to develop that solution. On top of our internal policies regarding privacy, we are happy to sign any further non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) required by your institution.

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What our clients say

 Tim Hill
 Sean Murphy
 Elaine Petkovsek
I wanted to tell you how much I've enjoyed working on this project with you. Everyone loves this worksheet. Our pricing has never been so standardized Julie Hui, Chief Financial Officer of Pumpman Inc