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Excel Help - How to Add Numbers in Excel 2013

In this video you’ll learn how to add numbers in Excel and use the SUM function.

If you only want to add a couple of numbers, simply enter the numbers directly into a new cell after an equals sign and using the plus sign as the sign for addition: =1+2.

If you want to write a formula that you can copy and apply to other sets of numbers, the easiest way to do so is by noting the cell references of the numbers you want to add and applying this simple formula: “=A1+A2”.
This can easily be extended to add more than two numbers, for instance

The SUM function is another useful tool offered by Excel. You can use this formula to combine values from different cell ranges or from the same range.
However, adding dozens of numbers in this way can become cumbersome, and this is where the SUM function can help.
Start by selecting an empty cell where you would like to see the result of your formula appear.
Type an equals sign and the name of the formula, in this case SUM.
Type an open parenthesis.
Now type the names of the cells whose contents you want to add separated by commas.
Type a closed parenthesis and press ENTER to see the result.
You can also use your mouse to select cells that contain numbers that you want to add.
If you have a large amount of numbers to add, the quickest way is to type a range of cells separated with a colon (:) to add all the numbers contained in the range you specified.